Sunday, January 18, 2009

So, I'm Thinkin'...

I'll be joining in with Toni and taking the "Love Dare". My hubster has absolutely NO clue that I'm doing this. That's why I had to start a completely different blog. I'm curious about just how insightful he will be. Will he know I'm up to something right off the bat?

Will this be hard to do? Well, it may be a little bit challenging at times. I haven't been peeking ahead in my book to know what I'm looking at as far as the dares are concerned. I have been in prayer about this, though. I'm taking this very seriously.

My marriage is not one that is in trouble or even remotely close to being at risk. However, my marriage is extremely important to me and I know that it takes work...even in the good times. I desire to make my "good" marriage better. I want to start a trend of doing things like the love dare to help us learn and move to the next level "until death parts us".

I hope you'll follow in my journey. I will officially start on February 14th but I may just have some thoughts on this to post before I begin. My first official post for the love dare will be on the 15th, after I've completed the first dare.

Wish me luck!


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